Sunday, January 7, 2024

CIY Novice68 function codes.

Having just spent several minutes copying this stuff down using Google Translate on my phone, I thought it might be useful to post somewhere, so the next person doesn't have to squint at it. Is there a central place to coordinate these kinds of things one has to glean from Chinese language only manuals?

    Fn-I - Wired mode.
    Fn-O - 2.4 GHz mode.
    Fn-P - Bluetooth 1.
    Fn-[ - Bluetooth 2.
    Fn-] - Bluetooth 3.
    Fn-K - Backlight Speed.
    Fn-L - Backlight Brightness.
    Fn-; - Backlight Mode.
    Fn-' - Backlight On/Off.
    Fn-, - Vol-.
    Fn-. - Vol+.
    Fn-/ - Mute.
    Fn-T (3sec) - Match 2.4 GHz.
    Fn-Y (3sec) - Unpair Bluetooth.
    Fn-G - Switch Mac/Windows.
    Fn-H (3sec) - Reset settings.
    Fn-Up - Stop Play
    Fn-Down - Play/Pause
    Fn-Left - Prev Track
    Fn-Right - Next Track
    Fn-Win - Win On/Off

You need to select a mode when you first set up, it doesn't default to wired mode.

Right column:


Mapped keys:

    Fn-Del - PrtSc
    Fn-PgUp - Home
    Fn-PgDn - End
    Fn-Esc - `~ (again)
    Fn-1-9 - F1-F9
    Fn-0 - F10
    Fn-- - F11
    Fn-= - F12
    Fn-V - Pause/break
    Fn-B - Scroll Lock
    Fn-N - Insert
    Fn-M - Menu
    Fn-Tab - Delete (again)

Edit: gaming cluster on the left:

    Fn-W - Up
    Fn-A - Left
    Fn-S - Down
    Fn-D - Right
    Fn-Q - PgUp
    Fn-E - PgDn
    Fn-R - Home
    Fn-F - End

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